Woman by Nature Essentials

In this guided self-learning experience, you create the basis of your transformation to more energy, holistic wellbeing, happiness & true self-actualization.

Learn about the framework, basic tools & step-by-step processes you need to master your Working Mom Burnout.

Based on ancient wisdom knowledge & up-to-date research findings, you will be guided to self-analyze your physical & mental condition so that you know where and how to start your change management from daily overload to holistic balance.

What does it mean to be a

Woman by Nature?

It’s being aware of the signals your BodyMindSoul-Complex is sending your way, knowing how to continuously re-balance & making decisions based on feeling – the life-transforming recipe for overcoming your Working Mom Burnout.

“Women by Nature are brave enough to live by their feelings.

Their heart. Their gut. Their instincts.

Their intuition.”

Essentials Details

Guided self-learning video (for download) with hands-on instructions

All materials included (checklists, tools for self-analysis, presentation, etc.) as PDFs for download)

Mix of theoretical input and meaningful exercises


  • Theoretical frame (ancient wisdom knowledge, research findings)
  • Learning about the tools & principles for determining your Ayurvedic constitution (i.e. natural state of being)
  • Using the tools & principles for self-analyzing your Ayurvedic constitution (natural physical & mental state of being)
  • Learning about the tools & strategies for re-balancing your working mom exhaustion/burnout in the long term

Intended learning outcomes: After having watched the video and completed the self-analysis & tests, you will

  • know your physical & mental Ayurvedic constitution (i.e. natural state of being), which provides the basis of your transformation
  • know about the principles of bringing your BodyMindSoul-Complex back to balance
  • be clear about the framework, basic tools, principles & next steps for changing your life from Working Mom Burnout to Woman by Nature Balance

“I believe in deep learning, high quality & lasting success.”

Your transformation in a nutshell

Step 1: Determining your natural state of being (Ayurvedic physical & mental constitution) and innate imbalance tendencies


Step 2: Determining current state of being under consideration of imbalance patterns in terms of body, mind & soul (current physical symptoms, worries, life challenges, etc.)


Step 3: Developing individualized procedures for re-balancing your BodyMindSoul-Complex under consideration of the following factors:

  • Health (chronic conditions, immune defense, etc.)
  • Lifestyle & habits (sleep, action and rest rhythm, physical activity, etc.)
  • Nutrition (eating & drinking what, how, when, etc.)
  • Relationships (family, partnership, friends, colleagues, etc.)
  • Mindset & self-conception (convictions, beliefs, self-worth, etc.)
  • Environmental factors (season, living situation, environmental pollution, etc.)

    In the Woman by Nature Essentials, you lay the foundation by taking step no. 1, and we can then take it from there 😉

    “Working Mom Definition?

    A Woman making her decisions based on feeling, acting on her intuition & in sync with her natural state of being.”


    Woman by Nature Essentials: What is it?

    The Woman by Nature Essentials is a guided self-learning video experience accompanied by self-learning material (PDFs) such as checklists and illustrative material.

    How do the Woman by Nature Essentials help in overcoming my Working Mom Burnout?

    I argue that overcoming your Working Mom Burnout in the long term requires holistic change management and re-learning to read the signs your BodyMindSoul-Complex is sending your way. According to Ayurveda and TCM, burnout equals a state of severe imbalance in terms of health, lifestyle, nutrition, mindset, self-conception & relationships.

    In order to re-balance under consideration of these factors, it is essential to first determine both your natural & current physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual state of being. Analyzing your constitution and the exact kind of your individual imbalance pattern is the prerequisite for any kind of coaching approach that might follow after.

    What exactly do I learn in the Woman by Nature Essentials?

    In this video, you learn to analyze & determine your constitution, i.e. your natural physical and mental state of being by Ayurvedic principles and get first ideas of how to determine your current imbalance pattern. You also learn what framework, basic tools, principles & next steps to take for changing your life from Working Mom Burnout to Woman by Nature Balance.

    How and when can I join?

    You can purchase this package (video with download option and further downloadable PDF material) any time.

    How much time do I need for watching the video and working through everything?

    The video is XXX min long and it will take you at least XXX min to work through the material. Of course, this differs from person to person. 

    Do I need the Essentials for the Woman by Nature Coaching offers?

    I highly recommend doing the Essentials first, since it’s the basis we build up on in my coachings. Also, the Essentials give you the chance to get to know me, your coach. Make sure first that you can connect with me before making a higher investment!