Health, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Mindset & Relationships

Woman by Nature Coaching

The busy – and sometimes nerve-wrecking – lifestyle of working moms is often the opposite of what body, mind & soul need.

We are pulling through nonetheless and ignore that we’re out of balance.

In this unique group coaching experience, we dive in real deep with tailored-to-you counsel to overcome your Working Mom Burnout.

“It’s due time you rely on your feelings again.”

Your Truly Holistic Group Coaching Experience

  • Do you feel physically and mentally exhausted, stressed out & unstable?
  • Do you suffer from chronic health conditions like gut issues, menstrual pains, sleep difficulties, depression, muscle tension, headaches, ear ringing, blurred vision – you name it?
  • And are you like “This is it?!” and seek true fulfilment & self-actualization?

This poor Working Mom State of Being is contingent on multiple factors – as both the old & new science confirm.

Thus, only a truly holistic coaching approach addressing multiple dimensions – health, lifestyle, nutrition, mindset, self-conception, relationships & environment – can guarantee lasting results.

“Finding your balance is a never-ending and rewarding process.

Woman by Nature Group Coaching Contents

Determining your current (highly individual) state of imbalance (in terms of health issues, lifestyle choices, self-conception, mindset, etc.) by Ayurvedic principles

Learning about & practicing the use of tools, principles, processes & strategies for your change management

Tailored-to-you advice on re-balancing your health, personal lifestyle, daily routines, nutritional habits, mindset, self-conception, relationships & environmental factors

Individualized holistic gut health treatment by Ayurvedic principles

Individualized detox treatment (in spring & autumn by Ayurvedic principles) and further seasonal highlights

Yoga sessions

Meditation sessions

Theoretical background (based on Ancient & New Science)

What’s Included in the Woman by Nature Coaching Package?

Formats & methods

Group coaching sessions

Individual coaching sessions

Open coaching sessions

Online yoga sessions

Online meditation sessions

Long-term change management guidance

Guided group exchange for community learning & mutual support

Theoretical knowledge transfer

Guided hands-on exercises with clear instructions

Extensive support material (checklists, tests, analysis sheets, etc.)

Time frame

Program duration: 12 months

Group coaching sessions: 12x 1,5hr (meeting time: t.b.a., video replay included for time-flexible use)

1:1 coaching sessions: 4x 1,5hr (meeting time: mutually arranged)

Open coaching sessions: 4x 1hr (meeting time: t.b.a., video replay included for time-flexible use)

Online yoga sessions: t.b.a.

Online meditation sessions: t.b.a.

Start: September 2024


Woman by Nature Group Coaching Program: What is it?

The Woman by Nature Group Coaching Program is a truly holistic coaching experience that guides you in mastering your Working Mom Burnout. It consists of individual, 1:1 coaching sessions, group coaching sessions with like-minded working moms and further formats & contents (see above).

How does the program help in overcoming my Working Mom Burnout?

I argue that overcoming your Working Mom Burnout in the long term requires holistic change management and re-learning to read the signs your BodyMindSoul-Complex is sending your way. According to Ayurveda and TCM, burnout equals a state of severe imbalance in terms of health, lifestyle, nutrition, mindset, self-conception, relationships & environmental factors.

In order to re-balance under consideration of these factors, it is essential to determine both your natural & current physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual state of being, analyze your imbalance patterns and tailor your individual change management process accordingly.

Considering your individual (im)balance patterns along the aforementioned factors is key for mastering your Working Mom Burnout. Doing so within a context of other like-minded women will empower, motivate & support you on your journey.

What exactly do I learn in the program?

This coaching program allows you to get to know yourself again for real. You learn about the exact kind of balance you need in terms of health, lifestyle, nutrition, mindset, self-conception, relationships & environmental factors to overcome your Working Mom Burnout.

For instance, we look closely at your daily eating, sleeping, activity and resting habits, your self-conception and core beliefs, your relationships and social dependencies to make sure that all of these factors (and many more) energize and level you up – instead of pulling you down.

How and when can I join?

The program starts in September 2024. Put your name on the waiting list for receiving all updates coming your way.

You don’t want to wait until September 2024? You are interested in my 1:1 coaching offer? Schedule a free video call HERE & NOW* to learn more.

How long does it take?

Implementing and truly living the change required to overcome your Working Mom Burnout doesn’t happen overnight, it takes time. Considering the challenges this re-balancing process entails, the Woman by Nature Group Coaching is a 12-months-program that accompanies you through all the seasons.

Do I need the Woman by Nature Essentials first?

I highly recommend doing the Woman by Nature Essentials first, since it’s the basis we build up on in the program. Also, the Essentials give you the chance to get to know me, your coach. Make sure first that you can connect with me before making a higher investment!