
Working Mom Burnout


Woman by Nature Balance


Working Mom-


Woman by Nature Balance

Hey, working mom!

Are you done feeling exhausted, constantly stressed out & chronically sick?
Especially as a working mom, you should permanently feel energized, balanced & truly fulfilled.
Want to know how? Take the first step of your transformation from Working Mom Burnout to Woman by Nature Balance!

“Let’s establish new working mom normalities.”

Start Your New Normal Working Mom Lifestyle!

Today, there are more women than ever before suffering from stress-related health problems like burnout & depression. That’s not normal.
In my Woman by Nature Teachings & Coachings, I help you re-balance your health, lifestyle, mindset & relationships for more energy, holistic wellbeing, happiness & true self-actualization.

Woman by Nature Essentials

Start out with the Woman by Nature Essentials to learn about the basic tools & steps you need for mastering your Working Mom Burnout.

Woman by Nature Coaching Program

In my group coaching program, you learn about the kind of balance your unique BodyMindSoul-Complex needs in terms of nutritional habits, everyday life routines, harmful convictions & toxic relationships for holistic wellbeing & true fulfillment.

Woman by Nature Personal Coaching

You wanna work with me 1:1? Let’s get to know each other first.

“We are jointly turning around the image of what it means to be a working mom.”

Hey there, working moms!

I’m Dr. Claudia Burger, a former researcher, project manager, team leader & lecturer turned women empowerment & Ayurveda coach.

Based on ancient wisdom, research findings & my very own experience I help you get from Working Mom Burnout to the New Normal Working Mom State of Being. Become a Woman by Nature.

“The Age of Feeling has begun.”

Ready for finally mastering your exhaustion?

Working Mom Burnout is a complex phenomenon to which multiple factors contribute, amongst others holistic gut health.
Subscribe to my newsletter and gain access to my Normal Digestion Video. Find out if your gut is in balance and what to do immediately to improve your gut health.  

All best, take care & Namasté


Dr. phil. Claudia Burger

Woman by Nature Podcast

The Woman by Nature Podcast picks working moms up from their busy, overwhelming, often stressful, sometimes nerve-wrecking and truly exhausting everyday lives and offers new perspectives of what it can mean to be a woman.

Longing for unconventional, politically incorrect, non-mainstream ideas of womanhood?

Listen to my Podcast on Spotify, YouTube, Apple Podcasts and Amazon Music.


Woman by Nature Blog

Holistic Gut Health

Holistic Gut Health

Do you have a healthy gut? What exactly is a healthy gut? And is your digestion ‘normal’? This blog article is a non-medical introduction to the...

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Stop your Working Mom Burnout

Stop your Working Mom Burnout

Dear working moms in this world, can you relate: Do you constantly feel exhausted, overwhelmed & simply stressed out? Is everything just way too...

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